living word fellowship events
4-5 July 2020

LWF 2020 virtual youth camp

event information
It’s a new decade and It’s Your Time! This was the theme and 2020 vision for this year’s youth camp. We thank all those who joined in via Zoom and YouTube to be a part of our virtual camp. It was truly a blessing and we are grateful the Lord allowed us this space to fellowship together in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
There were several meetings over the weekend and you can use the links below to see the services:
Saturday 4 July 2020 - 9:00AM AEST
Saturday 4 July 2020 - 5:00PM AEST
Sunday 5 July 2020 - 9:00AM AEST
Sunday 5 July 2020 - 5:00PM AEST
(Praise and worship service)
We thank those who submitted special items, we were so blessed by each and every one. Please click below to view the special videos on our YouTube channel. We decided to load them individually to give glory to each one. We also plan to record and load the camp song as a video, so check back soon for that!
There were two camp speakers this year. Brother Dewayne Lawson took the Saturday and Sunday morning sessions. Brother Dewayne is an evangelist from True Word Tabernacle, Ohio. Brother Dewayne took the youth camp meetings at the 2019 youth camp which was a blessing to all who attended. Click here to watch a video of Brother Dwayne's testimony
Brother Alray Robertson took the Saturday afternoon preaching. Brother Alray is pastor at the Rapturing Grace Tabernacle in Stratford, New Zealand.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this camp or future camps please contact us.
Email: lwfyouthcamp@gmail.com
Phone: Brother Daniel White (Pastor): +61 414 417 148
God Bless.