The theme for the 2021 event was Come Up Higher! We were so blessed by the oppurtunity to fellowship in person together at Camp Somerset this year. The group was small in number but we were certainly not small in the love for our Lord. We thank the Lord for all He does for us and pray for God's will for next year's camp.
Services for 2021 were taken by Brother Michael Chikerema, Pastor of Spoken Word Fellowship in Perth and Brother Alray Roberston, Pastor of Rapturing Grace Tabernacle, Stratford, New Zealand.
The sermons for the camp can be accessed using the links below:
Saturday 26 June 2021
09:30AM - service ministered by Bro Michael
5:00PM - service ministered by Bro Micheal
Sunday 27 June 2021
09:00AM - service ministered by Bro Alray
3:00PM - service ministered by Bro Alray
We are excited to begin planning for next year and pray that restrictions will be lifted in time for all who wanted to attend this year's camp to be able to join.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this event or future camps please contact us.
Email: lwfyouthcamp@gmail.com
Phone: Brother Daniel White (Pastor): +61 414 417 148
God Bless.